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​目標和宗旨 Missions

小雨點基金會是成立於 2012 年的註冊非營利組織。基金會的使命是幫助社區成員過健康快樂的生活。自成立以來,基金會的活動包括:

  1. 建立以健康、文化和音樂為主題的社群以提暢高品質和健康的生活。

  2. 贊助醫療、文化和音樂的公益活動。

  3. 運營一個社交平台,讓會員可以有效地學習和交流知識。

  4. 媒介會員和專業人士之間的需求和服務,成爲提供優質服務的橋樑。



【醫學講座】: 中醫對阿茲海默,新冠狀病毒及多種病症的醫學講座,也包括食療,養生和保健的方法。


【社區慈善】:舉辦過敬老聚餐和頒發獎學金給法律系大學生。2021年舉辦了一場《分享心中一塊寶》活動,讓學生以自選的形式講訴一個喜歡的課題。 本次活動旨在增強參與者的自信,鼓勵參與者為自己喜愛的事物感到自豪,並欣賞他人的長處。 這場活動獲得了很多讚譽。








J&H Foundation was established in 2012 and is a registered non-profit organization in the United States with the mission of "caring for health and serving the community". The foundation is committed to creating a community focused on healthcare and culture, promoting the exchange of knowledge among members in healthcare and culture, improving the quality of life of members, and operating a social network to help members learn new knowledge effectively, and find the experts and services that they need. Our activities have nothing to do with politics or religion, nor any commercial activities.


Since its establishment, we have organized many activities in the health area more than forty Chinese medicine treatments of various diseases and diagnosis and treatment methods, TCM treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, TCM methods for preventing and treating coronaviruses, Alzheimer’s disease charity concert etc. The foundation has also established the JHF Chorus, which is dedicated to performing songs by the Taiwanese writer Chin-Ju Shih. J&H Foundation has also held many cultural lectures, such as vocal music, snowflake paper cutting, calligraphy, property management, the documentary of the shrining of Silicon Valley Chinese, tea ceremony culture, shadow puppetry, Lingyao Wu humorous speeches, and discussion on tax related topics. In addition, the foundation also held dinners for the elderly and awarded scholarships to law students. JHF Chorus was established in 2019, hoping to give chorus-loving friends a home and foster a community to enjoy the beauty of music together.


The foundation has expanded its goal to actively serve and improve the community with the joint power of the community: provide a platform where members of the community can put forward new ideas in health, music and culture, and sponsor activities that can benefit the whole community. The foundation hopes to use the strength of all members to care for health and serve the community together, hence to have a better community for everyone.

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